Insurance Blog
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6 Mortgage Protection Myths Debunked
Posted: April 22, 2022
Buying a home is one of life’s most significant, and expensive, milestones. When you find the ideal property, you will be required to jump through several hoops to get a mortgage. Some home buyers are required to purchase mortgage insurance, while others choose to purchase mortgage life insurance – there are two distinct products. Before investing in any mortgage protection insurance, get the facts and...
Do’s and Don’ts for Hiding a Spare Key
Posted: April 21, 2022
At some point, most of us have lost our keys. More than a few of us have even tried to break into our own property before finally admitting defeat and seeking third-party assistance. Once we’ve been freed from our accidental exile, we waste little time before paying a visit to a local locksmith or hardware store to safeguard ourselves from future lockouts: we get a...
Effective Risk Management Tips for Breweries
Posted: April 19, 2022
The craft beer industry has been built by passionate, talented brewers, who have invested their time and energy to create new flavors and brewing techniques. As the brewery grows, business risks arise that should be addressed before something goes wrong. These tips cover some of the basics of brewery risk mitigation. Proper Spill and Broken Glass Cleanup Processes A taproom is a popular and convivial...
Home Renovations That Can Affect Your Insurance
Posted: April 16, 2022
Renovating your home can enhance your living environment and increase the value of your property. Home renovations can be chaotic at first, with debris from demolitions piling up. While looking forward to an improved home environment, you need to be aware of some types of home renovations that could affect your insurance coverage. Pools A pool can significantly enhance the value of your home and...
What to Know When Buying a Hybrid or Electric Car
Posted: April 13, 2022
It’s safe to say that hybrid and electric vehicles have become part of mainstream culture since they first burst onto the scene in the late 1990s. Today, nearly every major automaker produces some type of hybrid or electric vehicle. In addition to small and midsize cars, there are now hybrid minivans and SUVs hitting the pavement. And, in response to the growing interest in alternative...