Insurance Blog
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5 Ways for Business Owners to Make the Most of Small Business Saturday
Posted: September 28, 2022
With the holiday season right around the corner, shoppers are prepping by making lists, formulating gameplans, and looking for the best deals in town. As a business owner, your preparation likely looks a little different, maybe something more like advertising plans, sale signs and holiday events. Ultimately, your focus is on filling a need – be it supplying a shopper with the perfect gift, filling...
Review Your Policy After These Major Life Changes
Posted: September 22, 2022
If you have life insurance, you are in good shape. However, when major life changes occur, it is time to review your policy and update it to suit your new situation. When to Review Your Life Insurance? Several life events will significantly change your life insurance needs. These include: Getting married: Once you are married, your lives are merged into one, sharing finances and personal...
Don’t Leave the Leaves!
Posted: September 20, 2022
There’s nothing quite like the view of colorful leaves in autumn. But what do you do when they’ve all fallen and you’re left with a mess in your yard? Winter is quickly approaching, so it’s important to dispose of the leaves before the snow comes. But how can you do so safely (and legally)? Here’s what to know.CAN I BURN THE LEAVES? While many local...
Home Maintenance Checklist: Step by Step Guide to Prepare Your Home for the Fall
Posted: September 16, 2022
Your home is likely one of your most valuable assets and keeping it in good condition matters. Before the rainy, colder fall weather rolls in, taking certain steps to prepare your home can protect your home from sustaining damage during the fall and winter months. Clear out Gutters Spend a few hours clearing any debris out of home gutters and downspouts. Check the brackets holding...
Business Landscaping Tips
Posted: September 16, 2022
If you own a commercial property, then landscaping is a part of doing business – whether you like it or not.To help take one more thing off your plate (and help boost your curb appeal in the process), consider hiring a commercial landscape contractor. But how do you choose the right contractor? And what services do you really need?To help find the best lawn-care solution...